Sunday, July 5, 2015

Mothers-to-be share postpartum weight loss effectively

After giving birth, feel like a different person, the whole body fat for an entire circle, how to lose weight?Let's look at the new moms lose weight by.
Originally I about 53 kg.Had married is 55 kg, I'm going to the amount of time has been 77 kg (just as heavy as my husband, my god)
Fortunately there was a thin come down, I was just think so hard to have a second child.Weight loss is from a second child from the beginning of the pregnancy, I don't know whether because I lose weight before adjusting physique, so two months before the start of a little fat, but I don't have morning sickness, normal diet, don't feel like eating sweets is completely.

1 ~ 3 months
1, it is important that folic acid supplement (I was to buy directly with folic acid with synthetic vitamins plus iron)
Folic acid iron (iron) : baby prevent neural tube defects (most of the hospitals to iron for the synthesis of iron, poor absorption capacity)
2, began to drink mother milk powder, change a breakfast drink (originally)
3, easy to dizziness, first I didn't work, so almost wake up to the eye but sleep in the afternoon, a second child because want to take the boss, so in the afternoon to go for a walk in the park, natural consume more calories.
4, special symptoms: frequent urination, dental pain (luckily I regularly check my teeth before becoming pregnant, but wisdom teeth still hurt a, doctors call I how credit card how mouthwash)
5, constipation alarm: actually because has to eat fruit at ordinary times are suitable, but sometimes really bad greatly?So they eat more western qin to solve, a child is eating apple with the skin, but this one is almost don't want to eat the apple.

4 ~ 7 months
1, the comprehensive vitamin vitamin C + + fish oil, lecithin and calcium tablet.
B group: hematopoietic, lecithin, fish oil (DHA and EPA) : improve fetal brain development and brain development.
Vitamin C helps increase resistance and prevent melanin precipitation.
Because I often catch a cold at this time, so comprehensive vitamin C is used for maintenance, almost every morning one, but sometimes will forget.
Fish are friends, one can I eat three to four months to finish, in fact, I first from pregnancy began to eat fish, for I am a little afraid, so I change the tire to eat lecithin, can avoid the problem of chest pain.
Calcium is must be added, because the weather is getting cold easier to leg cramps, and DD were bone growth, this time also need calcium.
2, edema, because salt metabolism not to go out, originally this is the place of storage proteins, due to insufficient protein intake, are piling up moisture.Solution: boil a pot of red bean soup, without sugar, drink during the day, the evening will start to urinate, anti-dropsy speed first, diet to eat light, because eat too salty, the sodium in food will make the water retention in the body, legs up before you go to bed.
3, insomnia, loss of teeth, zhu: the solution: replenish water, calcium, and clean your teeth.
4, varicose veins (poor circulation), wear elastic stockings.Remember to buy medical level and avoid sedentary long the station.

8 ~ 10 months
1, comprehensive vitamin vitamin C + + lecithin + calcium + sees lactic acid bacteria
8 months, had just want to buy back of lactic acid bacteria to treat constipation, eight months before the result unexpectedly make weight under control my eating is normal, no special eat also has the movement, but still suddenly broke through 12 kg level, I'm a little afraid will again like first, then I want to see if constipation condition can improve a bit, buy the lactic acid bacteria, just before the Chinese New Year, originally think only one day to eat just a little package, the next it's really good on large, over the years back after prenatal....Oh, my gosh!The first two weeks I didn't fat, and DD has big 500 grams, but I want to be a coincidence.
Continuous observation for a month and a half now, I only add 1 kg, and the weight of the DD...Although I am still fat 15 kg so far, but at least have to get rid of the first baby fat the nightmares of the dead.Yesterday to finish production inspection, collate the hope for everyone a little help.
Because I know pregnant fat sometimes physique, but I am the second child at least sent 7 kg, postpartum can also need not so tired. 

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