After pregnancy, to provide enough nutrients for baby belly must be appropriately increased nutrition.
However some people mistakenly think, the more you eat, the heavier weight during pregnancy women, the better.
Actually, women eat too much during pregnancy, nourishment composition proportion collocation is improper, easily lead to nutrition surplus, so that the weight is beyond the scope of the normal pregnancy overweight.
Pregnant women being overweight can lead to many diseases, such as high blood pressure during pregnancy, gestational diabetes and complications, also increases the probability of macrosomia, difficult to natural labor, cesarean sections relatively increased, more difficult to avoid unsightly stretch marks.
Pregnant women how to control their weight during pregnancy?Experts offered some Suggestions, hoping to give you a reference.
1, food diary:
Every day morning, at noon, dinner, a food content, help you understand the day to eat into the east, examine, meditate on yourself whether eat should not eat.By recording, to achieve the dual purpose of weight control, care.
2, the amount of weight every day:
Weight increase too fast, is that many pregnant women worry, but also want to see in the case of obstetrics and gynecology doctors.
Therefore, how to control the speed of weight gain, is very important.Food is not too much, is one of the important rules, the amount of weight every day, can constantly remind pregnant women should pay attention to diet content, in order to avoid eating too much food, increase the weight.
3, overeating, the next day to go on a diet:
Sometimes, people can't restraint the temptation of food, don't be greedy.After being eaten food, began to regret.Suggest you, might as well reduce the diet is the second day, and it is advisable to eat light food, so to control weight.
4, set a day release date:
The fear of the weight increase too fast, pregnant women every day to control food intake.In order to reward their hard work, you can set a day in a week release, let yourself feel free to eat on that day, no longer a jin of the calculation of one or two food intake, satisfy the desire to eat.
5, understanding food calories:
Dabble in nutrition related knowledge from books, magazines, understand the amount of calories, so as to control calories.
Graph 6, weight:
Measuring weight every day, and made into graph, as police
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